Here you will find a collection of testimonials from sessions conducted in My London Domestic Playspace… If we have sessioned together and you would like to contribute a testimonial to be included here, please drop me an email…


WARNING: This post is long for very good reasons!

Imagine this: you’re young, you exist inside your head because you tend to over-analyse a lot, and you’re a male partner in a kinky couple who wants to lose his pegging virginity. Now, who oh who would you want to visit?

If you’re thinking of it being Goddess Cleo – Strapon Queen of London herself – then you have come to the perfect place! Allow me to go into detail (trust me, I want you to get the best impression possible) and tell you all about mine and my partner’s magical session with her. This is quite a unique experience (even for a couples session, potentially?) but how could I leave the juicy stuff out?

Goddess Cleo caught my interest initially with her iconic “It’s all in the hips” clip about a year ago and followed her ever since. Pegging has been one of my main fetishes for a long time – it’s so sexy to see a woman use a man’s machinery against him in a way that makes both partners feel so good – but I’ve never done it before. There was something about the clip that just had me sold.

It’s one thing to peg a sub, but love it to the point of making a name for yourself from it? With dozens of testimonials raving about going from no dildos in their butt to tens or hundreds of these mysteriously wonderful assgasms?  I would have given anything to be at her and my partner’s mercy.

Much sooner than I thought, my wish came true! My partner also wanted to try and peg me for the first time, so after doing my research and making sure we were committed, we booked a Couples Zoom Consultation with Goddess Cleo. This is part 1 of the whole experience for couples; it’s so you can meet Cleo and get introduced, talk about what you’re interested in doing and listen to what advice she has. We decided pegging would be the main focus (Goddess said “If I can poop, I can have assgasms” cause of course I had doubts as a virgin whether I could actually achieve them; if you read right to the end, I could NOT have been more wrong!) and some other activities we wanted to try. We didn’t cover all of them but that was absolutely fine, as you will see…

After the Zoom call, we worked out a date with Goddess and set a time for early afternoon. This was in hindsight a great choice as Goddess Cleo (already showing how she goes above and beyond for her clients) had booked the whole afternoon and evening off for us. I worried that we might be wasting her time, but as she kept telling me “It’s all in my head”. The big one, that is.

The day finally arrived and my partner and I made our way over to Goddess Cleo’s venue. The nerves had definitely built up by this point but I honestly never should have worried. Cliché? Yes, but they become clichés from having worked so well! Me and my partner met Cleo at her gate, walked back to her venue and got sat down.

Her flat was cosy and down-to-earth, just like the Goddess herself. Honestly, what an out-fucking-standing human being. It was how she made us both feel welcomed and settled in; to make something as daunting as your very first session with a professional dominatrix, with someone as prestigious as her (and hoping to achieve intense assgasms to boot) seem like Tuesday.

From the first second we met her to the last, Goddess Cleo, to me, was the best domme I could have met. The main appeal for me was her enthusiasm for introducing newbies to BDSM and it was a personal thing for me to not be put off from BDSM this first time round; she delivered to heaven and back. She was kind, professional, responsible, interesting, and so funny. Honestly, I just needed a laugh and the nerves just faded.

I have no doubt Goddess Cleo can be sadistic and severe if requested (or provoked), but I asked for this first time to be more light-hearted; no complaints at all, I felt so relaxed with her. My partner said she was so lovely and bounced off her well.

She gave us all the information we needed which shows her wealth of experience, writing notes in her book for reference; all she asked in return of me was trust, confidence and respecting her boundaries (no problems there) and snuck in a few humiliating jabs to me (consented to, of course) which made me feel all subby and giddy inside and she and my partner laughed, it was great.

After a long and fun pre-chat about what we would do, the session began. I showered as instructed – of course I cleaned my bum beforehand – and returned to a jaw-dropping sight. You could hear a penny drop.

Goddess Cleo and my partner (also a Goddess, hehe), stood at the other end of the room, next to the sling (which was out of sight during our chat) looking at me with an air of supremacy.

I was henceforth dubbed “Randy” which I will use for anonymity. Goddess Cleo ordered me to close the door, get on my hands and knees and crawl over to them. A classic domination move but, Goddess above, it works! I had no nerves at this point, just felt calm and relaxed. She gave me a cushion to put my head on as I lied back and we started with facesitting. Both took turns to sit on my face (their bottoms were beautiful) while playing with my nipples (“Challenge accepted!” Goddess Cleo said earlier as I expressed “I don’t get how people get aroused by their nipples?”) and the nipple play just amplified everything. I was challenged to recite the alphabet backwards whilst my face was smothered which I managed on my second try (I mixed up X and W and they laughed so hard; it was so much fun!)

It was here too that Goddess Cleo showed my partner how to do simple rope ties on my arms which I was more than happy to be a Guinea pig for. It actually felt nice and I was very happy that the session wasn’t just about dominating me but showing my partner valuable skills as well to use in our own time. One of the session highlights was Cleo tugging on the rope with my hands bound and taunting me with “Diddums”, ohhh my days, that almost put me into full subspace. (Side note: subspace is real and brilliant!)

Now onto the main event. After I was given that floaty feeling of early subspace, Goddess Cleo introduced me to her selection of dildos. Having only managed a finger and a small plug beforehand as per Goddess’ homework, this looked daunting at first but again, no need to worry at all. I was settled into the sling and warmed up superbly. She found my prostate in seconds and played with it a little; very weird and a lot of fun, foreshadowing things to come, like I did!

The first three dildos did take getting used to (it was a “poop feeling” cause, even though I was totally clean as Cleo told me, my mind likes playing games with me) but I got through them! I was amazed by how well I was doing and all the way through Goddess Cleo was communicating with me, asking me how it felt, whether there was any pain (none!) and just coaching me through the emotions. My partner got a turn as well pushing the dildos in and out. It was at this point I moved further into subspace that I started shaking, helped joyously by Goddess Cleo and my partner calling me things like “slut” and “good boy”; at one point Goddess Cleo leaned right into my ear to say it and sent shivers all over me which was simply perfect, I loved it!

Then, oh boy, did we get onto the Zebra (after being fucked by the Smurf)! Once more, Goddess Cleo eased me into it and helped me relax. I should mention throughout the pegging I kept saying sorry over and over cause I thought I was doing things wrong but Cleo and my partner always kept smiling and telling me it’s okay and I never needed to apologise for anything. I honestly felt silly for being so nervous, valid though it may be. I never felt safer and happier than anywhere else with these two ladies; my boundaries pushed, but always respected and never crossed.

As a small aside, it’s one thing to acquaint yourself with the physical fun side of things, but there’s a whole ‘nother psychological layer added when you and Cleo make eye contact. I loved seeing her enjoying herself and it was great having back and forth talk and laughter through the shakes and subspace.

Then… it started. Goddess Cleo put her hands on mine resting on my tummy, told me to focus on her and she began pumping my bum. Within about 10 seconds I felt a rumble inside my bum, growing in intensity until I felt my ass contracting like a heartbeat. I got quite loud (and an octave higher!) because it felt so weird but so freakin’ good! It’s very different to a regular orgasm in your penis, but more intense and bloody fantastic! My partner had to cover my mouth while Cleo (with that devilish grin on her face knowing exactly what’s happening) kept pounding me and informed me after a breather I had 3 assgasms one after the other! I was in sheer disbelief I could achieve one, let alone three!

And considering Goddess initially said she was at least 85% sure I’d have one and was aiming for 10, keep reading…

After a little breather, Goddess Cleo said I’d been activated and resumed fucking me. The assgasms came back quickly this time, each just as intense and I was officially a buttslut when my whole body was shaking with joy and I kept squealing “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” with literally every stroke of her dildo inside me! It was AMAZING! She really is THAT good! I pleaded with her to spank me and she sensually spanked my cheeks so well, I thought I could pass out! The smile on her face was to die for!

And if THAT isn’t enough, my partner got a good turn with me. Goddess Cleo took over playing with my nipples and covering my mouth whilst my partner donned the Zebra and got me to assgasm over and over again as well! As much as I would have wanted to keep going, my body was feeling tapped out so I used the safe word and we stopped. I was in shock that it had ACTUALLY happened! Goddess Cleo later informed me that, between the two of them, I’d achieved close to ONE HUNDRED assgasms! It was insane and I loved every second.

Naturally, my emotions got the better of me and I cried happy tears a little. I was just so pleased that I achieved far beyond what I could possibly have dreamed of. I tearfully expressed my gratitude to both my partner and Goddess Cleo; they were so happy for me and never made me feel judged.

Even though the session had officially ended (the 2 hours just flew by, I was in the sling for an hour and a half), I made a plea “Goddesses, please could you tickle me?” and for 1 minute they attacked me with relish! Bound in the sling, what can you do but suffer for their pleasure? I was giggling all over as were they and the electric toothbrushes being used on my ears especially was fantastic.

High fives and congrats all around, I got out gently.

I showered again, got dressed and came back in for a debrief. I was swimming in endorphins as we sat down to Goddess Cleo coaching us through subspace and subdrop. She said with utmost conviction I could’ve gone up another size and I concur, though I just felt fatigued in the best way. My partner was very happy that it had gone excellently. Aftercare was simple enough: a hug and warm words which made me feel so much better.

To cap ALL of it off, my partner and I were looking for nearby food joints and a Boba tea place, and Goddess Cleo offered to come with us, which I never expected! A walk into Shoreditch was great to just enjoy the rush and I admitted to Goddess Cleo “I feel powerful, like a freight train. I feel so much happier.” You know what she said next? “Hold on to that.” I certainly will for a long time.

After we’d got Boba’s we walked back a bit, stopped on a corner, she hugged us both goodbye and we went our separate ways. This was just to show you how much Goddess Cleo cares about her clients when you build that rapport with her.

In summation, a session with Goddess Cleo is like meeting Mary Poppins: “practically perfect in every way.” It would probably be five stars if I’d gone alone, but it was total perfection with my partner there as both a dom partner and my support to help me navigate the emotions. I cannot thank Goddess Cleo enough; she deserves every good thing in the world and so much more! My partner has expressed an interest in having the tables turned on them in the sling, and I would definitely want to learn a thing or two from Goddess Cleo about dominating a submissive.

So… considering how I felt before and after… What are you waiting for?

Randy and A, July 2023